Financial Assistance
Please look through the financial information below to determine the best option for you.
AWSNA Loans & Grants
The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to strengthen and support member Waldorf schools and teacher education institutes throughout North America. One aspect of this support is providing financial assistance to people enrolled in an AWSNA or WECAN-member institute teacher preparation program pursuing an initial Waldorf teaching certificate through our teacher education loan and currently practicing teacher (CPT) grant programs. These two programs are made possible by contributions to AWSNA through dues from member schools and by grants from various foundations.
Teacher Education Loans
This loan is for individuals intending to teach in an AWSNA or WECAN-member school, and who are legally authorized to work in North America at the time of application. Loans are interest-free during enrollment in the teacher preparation program and while teaching ¾ to full-time in an AWSNA or WECAN-member school.
In exchange for receiving the loan, applicants must agree to the following:
a. State that they intend to work as a three-quarter to full-time teacher in an AWSNA or WECAN-member school for at least three consecutive years, immediately following graduation from the program. For each year teaching at or above 75% FTE at a qualifying member school, one-third of the loan will be forgiven.
Applicants who begin teaching prior to graduation may have these years of teaching retroactively applied towards the three years of service, as long as one of the three years occurs in the year immediately following graduation.
b. If loan recipients do not meet the requirements of 1.a., as stated above, or should they fail to complete the teacher training or withdraw from the teacher training, the loan must be repaid in full at 1% interest per month over a 12-month payment plan as described in the Teacher Education Fund loan contract.
c. Partial teaching service will be considered for forgiveness. All outstanding years of service will convert to a loan.
Currently Practicing Teacher (CPT) Grants
This grant is for individuals already teaching in AWSNA or WECAN-member schools as they pursue their training. AWSNA provides grants toward tuition, and schools are asked to confirm that the teacher is in good standing and also to consider pledging funds towards the training of their teacher(s). Where the combined total of the AWSNA grant and school contribution does not reach 100% of tuition, applicants may also apply for a teacher education loan with the approval of the teacher education institute.
Application for the CPT grant must be accompanied by a letter from the school where the applicant teaches, specifying the amount of funds the school will commit (if any). The school sends their pledge directly to the institute (not the student)
You can find more information on the AWSNA website.
AWSNA Loans & Grants Application Deadline
Deadline to apply: June 15th, 2025
AWSNA Loans & Grants Application Forms
AWSNA Loan Application coming soon
AWSNA CPT Grant Application coming soon
Vidar Loan
Vidar Loan Process for WCI Students
The goal of this loan program is to ensure that there is support for Canadians who are in or wish to enter into the ECE training program offered by the West Coast Institute.
The Loan Process
Vidar is the charity foundation that provides the funds for this loan program by loaning funds to the West Coast Institute. Interest-free loans for up to 80% of the yearly and total tuition are available. Students need to have a loan repayment plan organized with WCI at or before graduation.
Bursary Potential for Canadian Students
The Vidar Foundation is offering a bursary of up to 30% of the total loan amount for Canadian students who complete their training. They will forgive 10% after each year of full-time teaching at a Canadian Waldorf School, to a maximum of 3 years and 30% of tuition in the 5 years after graduation. WCI will notify the loanee of the adjusted loan amount to be repaid each year.
Community Co-Signers
Qualifying students would need to find a loan co-signer(s) to guarantee the repayment. The co-signer is guaranteeing payment of the loan if the student is unable to fulfill the loan repayment agreement.
Loan Administration Fee
The loan has a 5% fee of the loan amount, that goes to a growth contribution fund, with a maximum total of $600.00. The fee helps to build the fund for future students.
The administration fee is a one time fee and is paid at the beginning of the first year of study. If the student negotiates a loan for the second and/or third year of their training, the 5% administration fee will apply to that amount as well, falling within the guideline of a maximum total of $600.00 for this fee.
Loan Repayment
The loan repayment schedule begins 6 months after graduation and can be up to a 5 year pay back term. The loan can be repaid in full at any time or in part–at a minimum of $100 a month–within the 5 year timeframe.
If the student withdraws from the program before graduation, repayment begins within 6 months of the withdrawal date.
Loan Interview
Each applicant will meet with members of the WCI Loan Committee for a conversation to:
- Review the loan process
- Review the application form
- Exploration of Need: What brought you to WCI? We know that you shared this in your application process. Has anything changed? Is there anything new you’d like to share? Where do you see this training taking you, what difference will it make in your life?
The student will be informed of the decision within a week of the interview.
Vidar Loan Application Deadline:
Deadline to apply: June 15th, 2025
Vidar Loan Application Form coming soon
IDEA Scholarship
WCI IDEA Scholarship ~ IDEA: inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility
The goal of this scholarship is to ensure that there is support for applicants from underserved communities who wish to enter into the ECE training program offered by the West Coast Institute. This scholarship program is offered with the support of donations to the West Coast Institute.
At the West Coast Institute we understand that each human being is an entity of body, soul and spirit; we respect the integrity and individuality of everyone.
We strive to provide education that is representative of the society we serve, acknowledging that this society includes all ages, a variety of gender identities, and diverse cultures and ethnicities. The greatest impact we can have on this effort is by making our educational training programs accessible and welcoming to a rich and diverse body of students. To this end we have established a scholarship fund for teacher training that is dedicated to aiding students from underserved groups and communities, with priority given to Black and Indigenous candidates.
The systemic change that is being undertaken in the Waldorf movement includes welcoming and making nourishing and inclusive space for more teachers of color who will infuse the work of Waldorf education with their authentic lived experience and perspective. In this way, as we take up the task of examining our role and responsibility in perpetuating systems of racism, we work towards a more just and equitable future for Waldorf education and the communities it serves.
IDEA Scholarship Application Deadline:
Deadline to apply: June 15th, 2025
IDEA Scholarship Application coming soon
Other Financial Assistance Options
The Michael Foundation
The mission of The Michael Foundation is to foster, to promote and to support the advancement of quality Waldorf Education in North America (Canada, Mexico, USA.)
This Foundation will accept applications for the first year at WCI because our programs include curriculum courses in the first year.
Douglas Cardinal Foundation for Indigenous Waldorf Education
Vision: To promote, support and perpetuate Indigenous language, tradition and the wisdom of the Elders through Waldorf education.
PEO Sisterhood (USA)
Women helping women reach for the stars
Someone applying for this would need to contact, meet, and be nominated by their local PEO Chapter. There are chapters spread around the whole of the USA.
The members of the local chapters are there to help support other women reaching for higher education. Once you have been interviewed by them, they are exceptionally helpful in going through the process.
ARISE Charitable Trust (Whidbey Island, USA)
Women rising up to their full potential
This organization is a small local organization; any woman that comes from Whidbey Island has a strong chance of receiving some funds from them.