Alumni Contact Information
If you are an alum of WCI, please click the link to update your contact information, sign up for our newsletter, and/or subscribe to our email list.
Reflections of a Founding Student: A converstion with Kim Hunter (Click here to view video)
Waldorf Employment Opportunities
Did you know we have Waldorf employment opportunities on our website? Click the link or find the page under the About Us dropdown menu.
Are you looking for a teaching position? Check the page for current jobs around the world, and links to other Waldorf Job sites.
Is your school looking for teachers? Email web(at) to have your job listed. Please include a closing date for your listing so we know when to take it down.
Donate to WCI
West Coast Institute is happy to receive donations through Visit our Donations page for more information and to donate.
Waldorf Alum Connect
Have you signed up on AWSNA’s Waldorf Alum Connect yet? Waldorf Alum Connect is a networking platform open to alums, faculty and staff of Waldorf schools and teacher training institutions.
The site is specifically designed for any alum interested in:
- finding other Waldorf alums to network with
- mentoring younger alums in your field
- seeking out work or internships with a Waldorf alum
- hiring other Waldorf alum to work with you on a project or within a company or organization
- attending regional Waldorf alum events and parties
- finding “long lost” friends and reconnecting
- meeting new Waldorf alums in your area and making new friends!
- following the Waldorf alum news and being inspired by what your fellow Waldorf alums are doing in the world!
If you’re a Waldorf alum, head over to Waldorf Alum Connect, create an account, and ask your friends to join too. If you know a Waldorf alum, please share the link. (